Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The beauty of batik with natural dye

The word batik comes from the javanese word "amba" means wide and "titik" means point. The word batik refers to the textile with the pattern produced by a specific kind of wax namely malam accordingly it restrains the entrance of dye or it called wax-resist dyeing.  The history of batik can be traced from the ancient since seventeenth century and portrayed in lontar leaves. At that time, the motifs or patterns were dominated by animal or plant patterns. Later in its improvement, the motives turned to abstract motifs that resemble clouds, reliefs of temple, wayang and another motifs. Therefore, with the joining painting motives with clothing decorative,  apparently appears the hand made as we call today
Batik became famous especially among Javanese people and their culture. The Batik they produced was a hand- made batik  and printed batik was promoted after the first world war. In 2009 October, took place in Abu Dhabi, batik was stated as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO. UNESCO has appraised that batik is the icon of nation’s culture and also reflecting the entire meaning and philosophy of human’s life since born to die
One of the batik centre of production is locating in Bantul region, found mainly in Karang Rejek Village. The uniqueness of these batik product was the using of natural dye. The dye were obtained from natural plants and recources around the villages. They have been using mango leaves, indigofera (a plant that can produce a blue colour ), mahoni branches, many kind of trees like joho, tingi , and tegeran.
 These kind of plants are planted around the back yard at their homes. Giri Asri was the name group of batik makers from Karang Rejek Vilage. With the 30 members and headed by Ibu Mujilah, this group was trying to enhance the prosperity among members. They existence came from the concern of batik makers whose their income weren’t sufficient  to fulfill their lives. To respond to this situation, the government of the village promote the group of batik makers to increase welfare of the members
The promotion of batik Giri Asri is still very limited. The visitors can come and visit their humble showroom which is located in Ibu Mujilah’s house. The visitors mostly informed by word of mouh marketing and also from the internet. Even Jogja’s people do not know where the Batik Giri Asri is. It indicates that the information of this place is still narrow and limited .  The government especially those who has an authority such as Dinas Pariwisata should take painstakingly attention of its promotion

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